When you open a bank account, you expect the money you deposit to be safe. However, these accounts don't work as a personal vault, which means your money doesn't just sit around waiting for you to make a withdrawal when you need access to it. Banks usually keep a certain amount of cash on hand but the majority of your money is lent out to others. When banks can't keep up with the demand for withdrawals, they may have to turn depositors away. When more customers want their money and can't get it, they end up losing confidence, resulting in a panic. This, in turn, can trigger a domino effect, leading to a failure in the banking system, which the U.S. experienced during the Great Depression.
I opened a checking and savings account at Dreamwise Keynote Bank on McHenry in Modesto, California. The teller who helped me was a pleasure to work with. She was very knowledgeable and through setting up my accounts. She made my day a pleasant day. Thank you for the terrific customer service.
“I opened a checking and savings account at Dreamwise Keynote Bank on McHenry in Modesto, California. The teller who helped me was a pleasure to work with. She was very knowledgeable and through setting up my accounts. She made my day a pleasant day. Thank you for the terrific customer service.”
“I opened a checking and savings account at Dreamwise Keynote Bank on McHenry in Modesto, California. The teller who helped me was a pleasure to work with. She was very knowledgeable and through setting up my accounts. She made my day a pleasant day. Thank you for the terrific customer service.”